• Hadef & Partners specializes in providing advice regarding e-commerce, retail, hospitality, and other consumer-focused industries.

    Our practice covers all aspects of retail and consumer transactions. We can provide tailored sector specific advice concerning all elements of a consumer transaction, from drafting the consumer terms and conditions and privacy policy and the requirements of the e-commerce and consumer protection laws, to more practical aspects, such as the design of the customer journey, the content legally required to be placed on the ‘modern technological means’ that are being used for trading (such as websites, apps, market places and so on) to, supported by our Banking and Finance Team, the use of payment providers and the legal and regulatory compliance that applies to digital transactions, loyalty schemes, and other consumer-facing transactions.

    Advising an online precious metals trading platform on its privacy policy and customer terms and conditions, including the terms and conditions covering the opening and closing of a trading account for the purchase, sale, and storage of precious metals and the terms and conditions relevant to specific trades. Assisting with designing the customer journey to ensure appropriate contract formation and acceptance of the privacy policy, both for current users and new users.

    • Advising a multi-national food chain on the consumer terms and conditions and privacy policy to be used with an in-restaurant ordering app and a cross-border closed-loop loyalty scheme.
    • Advising, in tandem with our Banking & Finance team, on the terms and conditions to be entered into by consumers downloading an app that provides a non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet.
    • Advising a leading UAE brand portfolio owner on its in-store and online returns policy, ensuring compliance with the UAE consumer protection regime.
    • Advising a foreign law firm on the contractual documentation to be used by its UAE-based branches when contracting with clients to provide legal services.
    • Advising an online education provider on the legal and regulatory aspects of providing online content to individuals in the UAE and managing the acquisition of legal advice covering the proposed provision in KSA.
    • Advising a leading brand portfolio on a loyalty and reward card scheme, including its privacy policy and terms and conditions of use.
    • Advising a global customer data science company on the application of the UAE consumer protection law on its contracts with consumers and the termination rights in such contracts.
    • Advising an international hotel aggregator on their privacy and cookie policies including compliance of such policies with the UAE consumer protection law.